Visões do Invisível | Visions of the Invisible Jorge Possollo Exhibition
We are by nature incomplete, distracted, reconstructed, confused.
We retain very little of what we hear and a little more than three quarters of what we see, as if what we miss were a few lost knights of their army, condemned to limbo and liminal space, with no identity or aesthetic of their own.
This set of photographs emphasises these lost knights, images that are overlooked and diffuse in the incessant buzz that embraces our perception. Ethereal by nature, they pass silently without seeing us.
With these fleeting ‘Visions of the Invisible’, we integrate a kind of parallel reality, in an intriguing complexity that frees our imagination.
This was a photography Jorge Possollo exhibition that ran from 23 February to 2 March 2023 at Espaço Santa Catarina in Lisbon.